

For Every Generation

For Every Generation

Our Mission

Here at Base Kids, we want to walk alongside parents in creating a faith-based foundation for their children, that as a result, ignites a passion and love for Jesus that is lived out every day.

Here at Base Kids, we want to walk alongside parents in creating a faith-based foundation for their children, that as a result, ignites a passion and love for Jesus that is lived out every day.

Base City

Base Bloomingdale

How do I check in my kids?

How do I check in my kids?

We bring the fun to Sunday mornings! Before you go into service, drop off your kid(s) to enjoy fun activities, crafts, snacks, worship, and bible stories.

First time at Base Kids?

First time at Base Kids?

Join our Facebook Parents Group

Join our Facebook Parents Group


Check in at our Base Kids booth

Check in at our Base Kids booth


You'll receive a sticker with a security code that matches your kid(s) name tag

You'll receive a sticker with a security code that matches your kid(s) name tag


We'll use that sticker to identify you when you come for pickup

We'll use that sticker to identify you when you come for pickup



0-24 Months


2-3 years




Gr 1-5

Kid's Church

gr 5-8*

Jr. High

*Bloomingdale Only



Do you provide snack?

Indeed! Every space provides snacks suitable for your child's age. Name badges display any food intolerances or preferences you'd like to be recognized for your offspring.

Indeed! Every space provides snacks suitable for your child's age. Name badges display any food intolerances or preferences you'd like to be recognized for your offspring.

What are your safety protocols?

Adherence to the Plan to Protect is the cornerstone of our safety measures, guaranteeing a shielded and secure atmosphere for every child stepping inside. Each of our helpers undergoes screening and receives training in these relevant fields.

Adherence to the Plan to Protect is the cornerstone of our safety measures, guaranteeing a shielded and secure atmosphere for every child stepping inside. Each of our helpers undergoes screening and receives training in these relevant fields.

What happens in a Kid's Room?

Every space is uniquely suited to its specific age group, and our principles remain the same – involving ourselves in worship, immersing in a biblical tale, setting aside moments for prayer, engaging in activities, and relishing unlimited enjoyment! At present, we are journeying through 'The Gospel Project', a curriculum that navigates through the whole bible within a span of two years.

Every space is uniquely suited to its specific age group, and our principles remain the same – involving ourselves in worship, immersing in a biblical tale, setting aside moments for prayer, engaging in activities, and relishing unlimited enjoyment! At present, we are journeying through 'The Gospel Project', a curriculum that navigates through the whole bible within a span of two years.