Getting Started
Getting Started
Getting Started
7:00 - 8:30 PM
John Turner
Meeting Dates
Meeting Date
Oct 28 - Nov 25
Becoming a fully devoted follower of Jesus is the most significant decision you will ever make. This is just the beginning of a life-long adventure. It’s God's plan that your faith in Jesus would transform your life from the inside out. The Getting Started course explains why and how God saves you, but it also shares practical insights and answers common questions about living every day as a Christian, such as: How do I overcome temptation and leave my old life behind? Who is the Holy Spirit and what is his role in my life? How do I know I can trust the Bible? What is prayer and how do I do it? And why is it important to be a part of a church family? Getting Started is for all those who want to grow in their new relationship with God